





Interview with Great BCIS Alumni | BCIS校友会:长大成人是一种怎样的滋味?

来源:北京乐成国际学校 时间:2019-02-20 10:42



  这一次我们请来的4位校友,他们已处在各自不同的生活节点, 在(几经)身份的转变后,他们的想法和心态也都随之发生了巨大的改变,今天我们就和他们一起聊一聊长大成人后的那些滋味。

  Q1: 面对问题或挑战,情绪低落时,如何让自己重回积极状态?

  Ruoyi JIANG:BCIS第一届也是唯一的一个毕业生,现在纽约创业。她选择从内心调整自己。


  Jack LI:即将大学毕业,走进社会。成长是“脱敏”的过程,消极因素让他更加强大。

  “我是一个在情绪上不会有太大起伏的人,所以可能我的积极性更多的是来源于消极或是负面因素对我的磨练和积累,在自我“修复”的过程中我会一点点变强,在下次的情况中我就会更加从容。当我做Sales manager(汽车行业)的时候,公司就遇到了公关危机,当时我们处在舆论中心,事实真相大众也未能全面了解到,我们只能按照常规的程序来解决这样的问题。我本人其实是可以从容应对的,我觉得是之前一次次其他“消极”经验积累的过程,让我的承受能力增强,转化成为一种动能。除此以外,对前景的判断和信任让我一直保持一种动力,或是说保持一种积极的状态。”

  Alyson LIU:孩提时代的“拉钩”承诺已经失效,成年人有自己的方式。




  Ruoyi JIANG: 目标这种东西其实很难一直保持不变,因为不确定的因素太多了,所以会有调整和改变,但我认为有一个很重要的前提是有一个自己真正的爱好,这样才能有这种动力一直做某一件事情。在BCIS确实有这样的时间和机会去找到自己的兴趣,而不是被课业所包围了。

  Jack LI: 我也认为兴趣爱好是设定一个目标的大前提。不能像英文课本上的对话一样,问喜欢做什么都是同一个答案:reading books(看书), watching movies(看电影), listening to the music(听音乐)。这种思路是不会让你有一种动力去实现什么目标,不热爱就很难坚持。

  Amenda LI(在校大学生): 确实如此,在我高三的时候就一度厌学,是因为我觉得读了很多年的书没有意思,我不想再这样继续下去了,但是我又不知道要做些什么,似乎进入了一个停滞状态。当时家里人也不是很理解,所以我找了我的班主任老师Alex Davis先生。他和我分享了他的成长经历,鼓励我多去考虑更多积极的事情,让我感到开心的事情,引导我找到自己喜欢的方向。最后我选择了艺术类学科,现在在大学里我感到非常开心,完全沉浸在其中。我想这是因为我找到自己的兴趣所在,我才会一直到现在一直坚持和努力。


  Q3 从青春期到现在,在这样一个相对稳定的状态里,大家和父母、家人的关系有没有什么变化?

  Ruoyi JIANG: 这个肯定是有的,原来可能一个月都想不起来给他们打一个电话,但是现在时不时就会想要和他们通话,这种牵挂是我们民族文化中最特别的,也是其他文化中没有的。

  Jack LI: 我不记得具体是哪一年,我开始给家里的人买东西,出门会想到要给家人带些礼物,我周边的同学大概也都是那一时期开始和家里的关系变得很紧密。我会经常和他们说我爱你这一类的话,他们也可以接受这样的表达。

  Alyson LIU:我是那种非常独立的性格,任何事情我都会自己做主,所以在上大学之前我和家人的关系并不是那么的亲密。但现在,当我发现他们变老,我就会很想去和他们多亲近,多沟通,这种是我之前没有想到的,但却是我现在格外想要珍惜的。

  Amenda LI:真的是在自己挣过钱之后才了解到父母的辛苦,所以现在我特别能理解当时爸妈的那种感情,我也会给家人带礼物,多和他们沟通。


  Q4 你们还和BCIS的同学有联系吗?怎么“利用”你们这个强大的关系网?


  The BCIS mission is to challenge and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world.

  With the recent graduation ceremony of our 10th graduating class, the Class of 2018, we took the opportunity to interview some of our alumni who attended our BCIS Alumni Week that was part of the graduation celebrations and see the roads they have taken in life after graduating from BCIS. Four of our alumni stopped by the main campus to visit their alma mater, participate in our annual Board Breakfast with the BCIS community, meet with some of their previous teachers, as well as speak with their younger peers about life after high school and beyond. The first and sole graduate from the Class of 2009, Ruoyi Jiang; Class of 2014 student Jack Li; and members from the Class of 2017, Amanda Li and Alyson Liu, spoke about the life lessons they have learned upon graduating from BCIS, shared important wisdom they have attained from living life without their parents abroad, the changes they have experienced after “growing up,” and much more. We would like to share some of their experiences.

  Ms. Ruoyi went on to study and graduate from New York University (NYU), and continues to live in New York where she is the proprietor of boutique shop “Chop Suey Club” that sells modern Chinese designers’ accessories and more. Mr. Jack is already in his final year at Bentley University, where he is learning about business and working on the side as a manager at a car sales company. Ms. Amanda is studying the art of Ceramic and Hot Glass making in a tranquil and peaceful Alberta University of Arts and Design, while Ms. Alyson is majoring in Marketing and Finance at Northeastern University. Each has chosen a different path to follow, but as foreign students living and studying abroad, they have endured similar challenges and overcome them. Some of these obstacles they have faced include getting adjusted to having complete independence over their schedules and life in general; enjoying the limited cuisine options around their universities (school cafeteria food is not for everyone); not having someone, a parent for example, telling them when to wake up or what to do; and more. Over time, they were all able to adapt and adjust to their new surroundings, living conditions, and overwhelming workload. They all unanimously mentioned that BCIS prepared them well regarding the latter, helping them succeed in university and their other endeavors after graduation so far.

  The students also learned many poignant life lessons the hard way (i.e. experiencing these firsthand) after high school. Among these, this one was especially felt: sometimes, people you may think are friends can do the unimaginable. Ms. Ruoyi mentioned that a good friend of hers stole an incredible idea she had been working on for some time. This person, who she once considered a close friend, suddenly cut ties with her after pilfering her work for monetary gain without a shred of guilt. That is why Ms. Ruoyi cautioned others to be aware of who their true friends are.

  On a more positive note, all the students shared how their relationships with their parents have grown stronger. Although none are parents themselves yet, the young adults have come to understand the perspectives of their parents more, as well as sympathize with them. Indeed, the love only a parent can provide for their child is truly special. In addition, distance makes a heart grow fonder, as well as brings families closer in a way. They also mentioned that with the advent of technology, it is also not a problem to keep in frequent contact with loved ones, no matter the differences in time and location.

  Lastly, the alumni were asked this question: If there is one piece of advice you would like to share with our current BCIS students, what would it be? Mr. Jack emphasized that grades are not that important. Although he did not receive the best grades in high school (in fact, he admitted his grades were poor), he stated he has found success in both his higher education studies and work career by following his interests and excelling in these instead. Ms. Ruoyi also shared essential wisdom that fell on eager ears: “I want to share with you one very useful tip I wish I knew earlier: instead of thinking what kind of career you want to have, think what kind of lifestyle you want to have first. Then think about the type of careers that will allow this lifestyle to be your reality.”

  We are thankful to our alumni for sharing their life stories with us. We are also looking forward to hearing more about their future endeavors and success.

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